1.Countable and uncountable nouns
2. Some / any; a / an
3. Prepositions of place
4. How much? / How many?
*Expreso mis ideas, sensaciones y sentimientos con oraciones cortas y claras y una pronunciación comprensible
*Hago presentaciones, actividades y otros temas relacionados con la pronunciación
*Respeto y valoro la pluralidad y las diferencias tanto en mi entorno inmediato como el global
*Utilizo vocabulario y expresiones en inglés referentes al ámbito de los restaurantes y los alimentos
*Utilizo los cuantificadores para preguntar sobre cosas
*Se harán clases magistrales, con apoyo en lecturas, redacciones, diálogos, material audio-visual
Es importante distinguir los nombres contables e incontables en inglés,
ya que implican el uso de diferentes determinantes y verbos.
Los nombres contables se refieren a cosas que podemos contar utilizando números.
Tienen una forma para el singular y otra para el plural. El singular puede
emplear el determinante "a" o "an". Para preguntar por la
cantidad de un nombre contable, utilizamos "How many?" con el nombre
contable en plural.
one dog
two dogs
one horse
two horses
one man
two men
one idea
two ideas
one shop
two shops
- She has th ree dogs.
- I
own a house.
- I would like two books please.
- How many friends do you have?
Los nombres incontables se refieren a cosas que no podemos contar.
Pueden identificar ideas o cualidades abstractas y objetos físicos que son
demasiado pequeños o amorfos como para contarlos (líquidos, sustancias en
polvo, gases, etc.). Los nombres incontables llevan el verbo en singular. De manera
general, no tienen forma plural.
- tea
- sugar
- water
- air
- rice
- knowledge
- beauty
- anger
- fear
- love
- money
- research
- safety
- evidence
No podemos usar a/an con estos nombres. Para expresar
una cantidad de un nombre incontable, usamos palabras o expresiones como some,
a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , o unidades de medida
como a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an
hour of, a day of. Para preguntar por la cantidad de un nombre incontable
utilizamos "How much?"
- There has been a lot of research into
the causes of this disease.
- He gave me a great deal of
advice before my interview.
- Can you give me some information about
uncountable nouns?
- He did not have much sugar left.
- Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of
flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
- How much rice do you want?
Algunos nombre son contables en otros idiomas e incontables en inglés.
En estos casos, es preciso seguir las reglas que se refieren a los nombres
incontables. Los más corrientes son:
accommodation, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, furniture, information, luggage, news, progress, traffic, travel, trouble, weather, work
accommodation, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, furniture, information, luggage, news, progress, traffic, travel, trouble, weather, work
- I would like to give you some
- How much bread should I bring?
- I didn't make much progress today.
- This looks like a lot of trouble to
- We did an hour of work yesterday.
Tenga cuidado con el nombre hair: en principio, es
incontable en inglés y no se usa en plural. Únicamente se considera contable
cuando se refiere a cabellos o pelos individuales.
- She has long blond hair.
- The child's hair was curly.
- I washed my hair yesterday.
- My father is getting a few grey hairs
now. (refers
to individual hairs)
- I found a hair in my soup! (refers to a
single strand of hair)
A ¿Son estos nombres contables (c) o incontables
1. water ____________
2. fruit ____________
3. coconut ____________
4. bread ____________
5. DVD ____________
6. meat ____________
7. ball ____________
8. snack ____________
9. glasses ____________
10. pen ____________
11. milk ____________
12. chair ____________
13. gasoline ____________
14. table ____________
15. cream ____________
16. money ____________
17. oil ____________
18. insect ____________
19. sofa ____________
20. yogurt ____________
21. school ____________
22. bus ____________
23. food ____________
24. chocolate
25. ship ____________
SEPTEMBER 23th 2016
Love, like, hate
"Love" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos encanta.
We love cooking
Nos encanta cocinar.
"Like" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos gusta.
She likes swimming.
Le gusta nadar.
"Hate" se utiliza para señalar que algo nos desagrada.
I hate washing dishes.
Odio lavar los platos.
Los verbos "love", "like" y "hate" pueden ir seguidos del verbo en forma -ing o con "to" + infinitivo.
1 Verbo + infinitivo con "to"
Los verbos que indican gusto, preferencia u odio como "like", "love", "dislike", "hate" o "prefer" van seguidos de un verbo en infinitivo con "to" cuando hablamos de acciones que nos gustan o no nos gusta hacer en ese momento determinado.
I would like to dance.
Me gustaría bailar (ahora o en un momento determinado)
I hate to tell you that you are wrong.
Odio decirte que estás equivocado.
2 Verbo + verbo en forma -ing
Los verbos que expresan gusto, preferencia u odio van seguidos del verbo en forma -ing cuando hablamos de una acción que nos gusta o que no nos gusta hacer habitualmente.
She likes dancing.
Le gusta bailar (habitualmente)
We prefer walking to climbing.
Preferimos andar a escalar.


a) I studying English. 
b) I sports.

c) I hamburger with mustard. 
d) I onions.

e) I soda, I prefer juice. 
f) I pizza a lot. 
g) I classical music.

h) I potato chips. I prefer French fries. 
i) I studying Math!

j) I nachos.

k) I my friends.

l) I soap operas very much. 
m) I Brazil!

me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them object pronouns
me, te se, nos, les, les
Los pronombres acusativos en inglés o pronombres de objeto tienen este nombre porque sustituyen
a los objetos (complementos) directos e indirectos de la oración. En una
oración como "Pedro nos dio una manzana" nos es un complemento indirecto (indirect object),
la oración traducida es la siguiente: "Pedro gave us an apple".
Pronombres acusativos (object pronouns)
Primera persona
del singular
(a) mí / me
Segunda persona
del singular
(a) ti / te
Tercera persona
del singular
Him, Her, It
(a) él, ella / le/ lo/ la
Primera persona
del plural
(a) nosotros / nos
Segunda persona
del plural
ustedes / os/ les/ los
Tercera persona
del plural
(a) ellos /les / los
Oraciones de ejemplo
- They give me money every
week. (Ellos me dan dinero cada semana)
- Sam always tells the truth to you. (Sam siempre te
dice la verdad a ti)
- I teach English to her. (Yo le enseño
inglés a ella)
- Bill is a true friend to us. (Bill es un
verdadero amigo para nosotros)
- They want to give a present to you. (Ellos quieren darles
un regalo a ustedes)
- Tell the truth to them. (Dile la
verdad a ellos)
- Tom gave me a present. (Tom me dio un regalo)
- Grandpa saw you leave. (El
abuelo te vio irte)
- Samantha gave a present to her. (Samantha le
dio un regalo a ella)
- The boy told us a secret.
(El niño nos dijo un secreto)
- I wanted them to leave. (Quería que ellos se fueran)
- I told you not to go there. (Les dije a ustedes que
no fueran allí)
- Sally is making me laugh.
(Sally me está haciendo reír)
- Tim is giving her a headache.
(Tim le está dando a ella dolor de
- The boys are baking a cake for her. (Los niños
están horneando un pastel para ella)
- My mother is talking to them. (Mi mamá está
hablando con ellos)
- Benny was telling a story to them. (Benny les
estaba contando un cuento a ellos)
- I was fixing the bike for you. (Estaba
arreglando la bici para ti)
- They were calling her to meet up.
(Le estaban llamando a ella para
- Pam and Tom were arranging a meeting with them. (Pam y Tom estaban organizando una junta
con ellos)
- The company has told many lies to them. (La
empresa les ha dicho muchas mentiras)
- The government has never given us any support.
(El gobierno nunca nos ha dado
- The kids have seen a ghost with her. (Los niños han
visto un fantasma con ella)
- Pam has shared a secret with me. (Pam ha
compartido un secreto conmigo)
- Mark has been living in a fantasy with her.
(Mark ha estado viviendo en una fantasía con ella)
- Daisy has been watching the game with us for
hours. (Daisy ha estado mirando el partido connosotos durante
- My children have been selling cookies to them for
years. (Mis niños han estado vendiéndolesgalletas durante
- I have been telling you the truth
all this time. (Te he estado diciendo la
verdad todo este tiempo)
- He had played soccer with them for years.
(Él había jugado soccer con ellos por años)
- If Mandy had seen a ghost, she would have told me. (Si Mandy hubiese visto un fantasma ella me habría
- Tim would have gone to Africa if he were sent by us. (Tim se habría ido a África si hubiese sido enviado
por nosotros)
- If only I had lived in Japan I would
have visited them more often. (Si tan solo
hubiese vivido en Japón los habría
visitado más seguido)
- For months we had been dreaming to meet her. (Durante meses habíamos estado soñando conconocerla)
- All my life I had been waiting for you. (Toda mi vida te había estado esperando)
- We had been telling them to stop
smoking. (Les habíamos estado diciendo que dejaran de fumar)
- They had been giving us a hard time.
(Ellos nos habían estado haciendo la vida difícil)
- I didn't tell anything to them. (No les dije
nada a ellos)
- They didn't sell the car to us. (No nos vendieron el coche)
- Mike doesn't talk to her. (Mike no habla
con ella)
- We haven't seen him. (No lo hemos visto)
- Martha is looking for you. (Martha te está buscando)
Los pronombres de sujeto en ingles y español - I, you, he (yo, tú, él)..
yo, tú, él, ella, ello, nosotros,
ustedes, ellos
Los pronombres de sujeto en inglés, como su
nombre indica, sirven para sustituir al sujeto. En una oración como "Pedro
come fruta" Pedro es el sujeto y en
español lo sustituiríamos por él: "él come
fruta". En inglés la misma oración sería "Pedro eats
fruit" y sustituiríamos Pedro por he: "He eats fruit".
Pronombres de sujeto (subject pronouns)
Primera persona
del singular
Segunda persona
del singular
Tercera persona
del singular
He, She, It
Él, Ella, Eso
Primera persona
del plural
Segunda persona
del plural
Tercera persona
del plurar
- I like fish. (Me gusta el pescado)
- You are happy. (Tú estás feliz)
- He has a cat. (Él tiene un
- She wants a house. (Ella quiere una
- It is big. (Es grande)
- We can do it. (Nosotros podemos
- You have a car. (Ustedes tienen
un coche)
- They need to go. (Ellos necesitan
- I liked her. (Ella me gustaba)
- You needed money. (Tú necesitabas
- He wanted to see you. (Él quería
- She had to leave. (Ella tenía que
- It was ok. (Estuvo bien)
- We could play tennis. (Nosotros podíamos
jugar tenis)
- You wanted to have it. (Ustedes querían
- They asked too many questions. (Ellos hicieron muchas preguntas)
- I am eating fish. (Estoy comiendo pescado)
- You are talking to her. (Estás hablando con ella)
- He is living in Japan. (Él está
viviendo en Japón)
- She is running. (Ella está
- It is raining. (Está lloviendo)
- We are calling the doctor. (Estamos llamando al
- You are reading. (Ustedes están
- They are playing golf. (Ellos están
jugando golf)
- I was running yesterday morning. (Yo estaba corriendo ayer por la mañana)
- You were talking on the phone last night. (Tú estabas hablando por teléfono ayer por la
- He was sleepingwhen you called. (Él estaba
duermiendo cuando llamaste)
- She was cooking when I got home. (Ella estaba cocinando cuando llegué a casa)
- It was snowing when I left. (Estaba nevando
cuando me fui)
- We were living in a farm back then. (Estábamos
viviendo en una ganja en aquellos tiempos)
- You were asking for it. (Lo estaban pidiendo)
- They were falling in love. (Se estaban enamorando)
- I have lived here for a year. (He vivido
aquí por un año)
- You have played the piano since you were a
boy. (Has tocado el piano desde que eras un niño)
- He has loved her all his life. (La ha amado toda
su vida)
- She has run away too many times. (Ella ha huído muchas veces)
- It has stopped. (Se ha detenido)
- We have managed to survive. (Hemos conseguido
- You have succeeded. (Ustedes han
- They have never seen snow. (Nunca han visto la
- I have been living in London. (Yo he estado viviendo en Londres)
- You have been lying. (Ustedes han
estado mintiendo)
- They have been drinking. (Ellos han estado tomando)
- We have been playing soccer. (Nosotros hemos estado jugando soccer)
- I had lived in Russia. (Yo había vivido en Rusia)
- You had seen her many times before. (La habías
visto muchas veces antes)
- He had played the piano for years. (Él había tocado el piano durante años)
- She had talked to Susan. (Ella había hablado con Susan)
- It had started to fall. (Había comenzado a caer)
- We had already seen the movie. (Ya habíamos visto
la película)
- You had taken the bus home. (Habías tomado el
autobús a casa)
- They had called me. (Ellos me habían
- I had been living in a tower. (Yo había estado viviendo en una torre)
- You had been talking for hours. (Habías estado
hablando durante horas)
- He had been missing home. (Él había estado extrañando su casa)
- She had been running in the fores. (Ella había estado corriendo en el bosque)
- It had been raining for days. (Había estado
lloviendo durante días)
- We had been trying to avoid this topic. (Habíamos
estado intentando evitar este tema)
- You had been fighting agains them. (Ustedes habían estado peleando contra ellos)
- They had been thinking about it. (Ellos lo habían estado pensando)
- Presente simple: I don't like soup. (No me gusta
la sopa)
- Pasado simple: You didn't go to the party. (No
fuiste a la fiesta)
- Presente continuo: He's not going to see
him. (Él no va a verlo)
- Pasado continuo: They were not looking for a job.
(Ellos no estaban buscando un trabajo)
- Present perfect simple: I have lived in a castle.
(He vivido en un castillo)
- Past perfect simple: We had stayed up all night.
(Nos habíamos quedado despiertos toda la noche)
- Present perfect continuous: She has been studying
for hours. (Ha estado estudiando durante horas)
- Past perfect continuous: They had been trying to
acces the building all morning. (Ellos habían estado intentando acceder al
edificio toda la mañana)
Fill in the spaces with the correct subject or object pronoun.
For example,
He knows Tom.
He knows him.
For example,
He knows Tom.
He knows him.
1. He lives with Jennifer.
He lives with .
2. Thomas likes the movie.
Thomas likes .
3. Jane and I are friends.
are friends.
4. The computer is broken.
is broken.
5. He will talk to Jeff later today.
He will talk to later today.
6. The children play in the park every day.
play in the park every day.
7. He does not know Peter and Mike.
He does not know .
8. My mother and father like baseball.
like baseball.
9. The teacher helped my friend and I.
The teacher helped .
10. The hockey players have a game tonight.
have a game tonight.
He lives with .
2. Thomas likes the movie.
Thomas likes .
3. Jane and I are friends.
are friends.
4. The computer is broken.
is broken.
5. He will talk to Jeff later today.
He will talk to later today.
6. The children play in the park every day.
play in the park every day.
7. He does not know Peter and Mike.
He does not know .
8. My mother and father like baseball.
like baseball.
9. The teacher helped my friend and I.
The teacher helped .
10. The hockey players have a game tonight.
have a game tonight.
muy largooo
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EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarprofe no entiendo lo de choose the right translation
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarProfesor yo imprimi la tarea de las caras
ResponderEliminarbuena noche profesor
ResponderEliminarsoy ivan una pregunta usted va enviar el taller